

Page history last edited by Marles 13 years, 5 months ago

PASSPORTS: Norman's Sister Cities and International Connections Organization

PURPOSE: to promote and encourage the advancement of international relations between Norman and communities in other parts of the world.


About Oklahoma-Link




Friday evening, August 5 at 7:00 p.m.


Dr. Paul Bell, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has expressed his recognition of the importance of Norman's international connections by providing meeting space for our PASSPORTS membership and summer interaction event next Friday evening, August 5 at 7:00 p.m.  We are eager to host the families and members of OU's Friends of the International Students, the International Service Committees from Norman's Rotary Clubs, and any interested Norman citizens at this relaxed and fun event.  

Breck Turkington, who recently visited our newest Sister City,  Arezzo, Italy, also has photos to share that we will all enjoy.  If you would like to display international travel photos of interest to all, please contact me or Tricia Carleton.  We also encourage participation from Norman Leaders, groups and churches that have been involved in world service efforts.
Please RSVP and plan to join us Friday, August 5, 7:00-10:00 p.m. in the 1st floor conference room 132 in Ellison Hall at OU.  You may park in the Elm St. lot just south of the Goddard Health Center (Elm at Brooks) and cross the street east to enter the West doors of Ellison Hall,  go to the north end of the hall on the 1st floor.  In the event we might have difficulty with locked doors, my cell phone is 405.760.5795.
PASSPORTS will provide beverages, and you are welcome to contribute your favorite finger food snacks, especially those with international origins.  We look forward to seeing lots of new faces joining our faithful members for a pleasant evening of sharing.


Friday afternoon, August 5 at 2:00 p.m.  Ambassador of Japan

We also encourage anyone interested in Norman's Sister City relationship with Seika, Japan to attend the ceremony and reception honoring His Excellency, Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the United States of America at 2:00 p.m., Friday, August 5 in the Oklahoma House Chamber on the 4th Floor of the State Capitol.  The reception will begin at 2:45 in the 2nd Floor Rotunda.  The courtesy of your reply is requested by August 3, 2011 to Pam Fries 405.228.7676/ pamfries@mcafeetaft.com.  There will be open seating and business attire is appropriate. 
Marles Bradley
PASSPORTS President 405.760.5795

Tricia Carleton
405 613-5983


Clemont-Ferrand Photo Exibition poster.pdf 


Clemont-Ferrand Photo Exibition poster.pdf



Join our celebration and continue around the route of the Norman Second Friday Circuit of Art. http://2ndfridaynorman.com/


Reception 6:30-7:30, Friday May 13, at the Norman City Hall, 201 West Gray, Norman, OK


Photography of Danyel Massacrier, Images from our Sister City, Clermont-Ferrand, France


Reception music (French selections) by soprano, Rose Mansell and pianist/composer Mary Sallee



Marles Bradley, President PASSPORTS



Tuesday, April 5, 2011, The City of Norman will officially establish a Sister City relationship with Arezzo, Italy.  University of Oklahoma students have been pursuing European Studies at a campus of the University of Sienna in Arezzo.  In 2009, representatives of Arezzo visited Norman, and a group of Norman leaders visited Arezzo to begin developing the relationship that will now be official. 




Consul General Osawa and Vice Consul Yamasaki viewed the Sister City Seika stone in Andrews Park.





Norman Mayor Cindy Rosenthal hosted a breakfast for visiting Consul General Osawa at Norman's City Hall.  Norman leaders attending represented elected officials, industry, business, education and community.  The Consul General visited Norman as part of his contacts with Japan Sister Cities in Oklahoma.  






Reception by PASSPORTS, sponsored by Hitachi held in the National Weather Center for Consul General Osawa.  Left to right Bill Audus, Consul General Osawa, Millie Audus, HCG Lloyd Hardin and Marles Bradley, president of PASSPORTS.




Monday, September 20, PASSPORTS prepares to host a visit from Consul General Osawa http://www.houston.us.emb-japan.go.jp/index_e.htm  and Vice Consul Yamasaki who are coming to Norman and Shawnee to learn more about the Oklahoma sister city organizations linked to cities in Japan.  Consul General Osawa visited Tulsa and Stillwater on an earlier tour.  While they are in Norman, they will visit Moore Norman Technology Center, have a brief driving tour of Norman, and visit Norman's three major Japanese, Hitachi, Astellas and Weathernews.  PASSPORTS will honor them at a reception Monday evening at the National Weather Center where university and community leaders will be introduced.  Dr. Yoshi Sasaki, retired from OU, will offer a welcome as an active member of PASSPORTS.  Dr. Harold Harralson will recount the establishment of the the Sister City connection with Seika while he served as Norman's mayor.


Tuesday morning, Mayor Cindy Rosenthal will host a casual breakfast in their honor at the Norman City Hall with municipal and state officials in attendance.  They will then see a few of Norman's sights before meeting officials in Oklahoma City related to Oklahoma's Sister State/Kyoto Prefecture program.


PASSPORTS looks forward to beginning a new project of a photography exhibit exchange between Norman and Seika communities.  We will be working on the details of this project soon.  Contact Tricia Carleton to stay updated about the next meeting.





You are invited to a Dinner Reception sponsored by Hitachi

to welcome Japanese Consul General Osawa and Vice Consul Yamasaki to Norman


Monday, September 20, 2010 at the National Weather Center

120 David L. Boren Blvd.

Norman, OK 73072

5:30-8:00 p.m.


The program will begin at 6:00 p.m. with remarks by Honorary Consul General Lloyd Hardin, PASSPORTS President Marles Bradley,

Dr. Yoshi Sasaki, former Mayor Harold Haralson and Dr. John T. Snow


RSVP by Friday, September 17

to Tricia Carleton at normansistercities@yahoo.com or 405 613-5983




Membership renewals are due now.  Your participation in Norman's Global Friendship is valuable.  Please enter your favority photos and come by our International Photo Expo Friday evening April 9 for the reception at 5:30 and the exhibit 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. as you enjoy Norman's Art Circuit event!
Joan Kaplan will be happy to take dues at this time.  $40/family, $25/single, $10/student.  If you can not attend the meeting, you may mail them to her at 2701 McGee Dr., Norman, OK 73072.  Thanks. 

Tricia Carleton
405 613-5983




OU Graduate student, Newman Wong and Jonathan Stapleton display the

PASSPORTS banner in the Norman 89er Day Parade, April 2010.  (In the backgound

is Native Roots Market the host site of PASSPORTS annual photography competition.)




Photography Contests April 2010  



Norman youth and adults are invited to enter the third annual International Photography Contest sponsored by Norman’s Sister City organization, PASSPORTS.  Photos for the Student Contest “My Hometown-Norman” should depict sights and scenes of Norman that best show our city, people and culture that we can share with our Sister Cities in other countries.  The International Travel Contest is open to all ages and requires the photos were taken outside the United States.


The opening reception, Friday April 9 at the Native Roots Market will honor the participating photographers and begins at 5:30 p.m.  The photography exhibit will be displayed to the public from 6:00-8:30 p.m. as part of Norman’s Second Friday Art Circuit event.


“We encourage the photographers to think about Norman’s three Sister Cities and our global connections through education, world service, business and vacation travel,” explained Marles Bradley the president of the PASSPORTS organization.  “Children can have wonderfully creative points of view for photography.”


This year the organization added an adult category to the "Hometown Norman" photos.  “We are looking for images of Norman that best represent our community.  We want to share the Norman scenes with the citizens of our Sister Cities and international travelers who want to learn more about Norman.”  Entries in the “Hometown Norman” category are free and should be 5x7 size, not mounted and clearly labeled with the photographers” name and categories.          


“The International Travel Photo contest will spotlight those wonderful shots that Norman citizens have captured while experiencing travel world travel.”  Bradley continued, “It is amazing how many individuals and families from Norman tour for business or leisure all around the world.  We were pleased with the quality and variety of the photos entered last year.  This year should be even more diverse for the countries and scenes represented.  International photo entry fees are $10 per photo, with an OU student cost of $5 per entry and should be 8”x10” or larger.”


For more information see the PASSPORTS organization website http://passports.pbworks.com/ or call 405.760-5795.



CLICK HERE for the information and rules for the photo contest.






Tricia Carleton


405 613-5983





PASSPORTS Summer Social Preparations








HURRY  NOW!  Dues can be sent to Joan Kaplan or may be paid at the event.    .  All members in good standing are invited to attend the BarBQ reception for our visitors from Arezzo, Italy on Thursday, May 7.  This is a wonderful opportunity to share with city council members, city officials, and OU representatives about Norman's international interests.

Click here to view the invitation designed for us by Joshua , a graphic design student at Moore Norman Technology Center.


See the minutes from the April 22, 2009 meeting here.


Photography Contests May 2009  



Norman youth and adults are invited to enter the second annual International Photography Contest sponsored by Norman’s Sister City organization, PASSPORTS.  Photos for the Student Contest “My Hometown-Norman” should depict sights and scenes of Norman that best show our city, people and culture that we can share with our Sister Cities in other countries.  The International Travel Contest is open to all ages and requires the photos were taken outside the United States.


The opening reception, Friday May 8 at the Native Roots Market reception to honor the participating photographers begins at 5:30 p.m.  The photography exhibit will be displayed to the public from 6:00-8:30 p.m. as part of Norman’s Art Walk event.


“We encourage the students of Norman to think about Norman’s three Sister Cities and our global connections through education, world service, business and vacation travel,” explained Marles Bradley the president of the PASSPORTS organization.  “Children can have wonderfully creative points of view for photography.  We are looking for images of Norman that best represent our community.  We want to share the Norman scenes with the citizens of our Sister Cities and international travelers who want to learn more about Norman.”                                                               Jonathan Stapleton viewing 2008 entries at Native Roots Market.


“The International Travel Photo contest will spotlight those wonderful shots that Norman citizens have captured while experiencing travel world travel.”  Bradley continued, “It is amazing how many individuals and families from Norman tour for business or leisure all around the world.  We were pleased with the quality and variety of the photos entered last year.  This year should be even more diverse for the countries and scenes represented.”


CLICK HERE for the information and rules for the photo contest.




Questions? Click here to get help.

PASSPORTS next meeting will be Monday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. at Louie's Robinson location in Brookhaven Square.  We will be discussing the upcoming photo contest to be held April 9, the impending Sisterhood of Arezzo, Italy and will have a guest speaker on Fair Trade and the possibilities of having a banana festival.  Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in coming. 
Joan Kaplan will be happy to take dues at this time.  $40/family, $25/single, $10/student.  If you can not attend the meeting, you may mail them to her at 2701 McGee Dr., Norman, OK 73072.  Thanks. 

Tricia Carleton
405 613-5983
PASSPORTS next meeting will be Monday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. at Louie's Robinson location in Brookhaven Square.  Dr. Yoshi Sasaki, Yoshi will report on his new responsibility as appointed Ambassador for Kyoto Prefecture and Seika-shi.  We will be discussing the upcoming photo contest to be held April 9, the progress for establishing Arezzo, Italy as our fourth Sister City and will have a guest speaker on Fair Trade and the possibilities of having a banana festival.  Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in coming. 
PASSPORTS next meeting will be Monday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. at Louie's Robinson location in Brookhaven Square.  Dr. Yoshi Sasaki, Yoshi will report on his new responsibility as appointed Ambassador for Kyoto Prefecture and Seika-shi.  We will be discussing the upcoming photo contest to be held April 9, the progress for establishing Arezzo, Italy as our fourth Sister City and will have a guest speaker on Fair Trade and the possibilities of having a banana festival.  Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in coming. 

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